Actionable Steps

We can achieve part of the function of the Militia under current laws in the following plan.  It isn’t a complete fix for the Militia, because it has its limitations, however, it is a step in the right direction and is far superior to the current situation.

The County Sheriffs answers directly to the people.  They have the authority to stop crime and deputize individuals for service.  They have the authority to arrest errant politicians and judges within the state.  However, they may be understaffed to hand large riots without local police help. Unjust politicians can threaten defunding or removal from office as retribution if a sheriff tries to hold them accountable. 

County Deputized Militia (Armed and Cyber)

The solution is to deputize the Militia.  By using the term Militia, the sheriff is fulling the Constitutional Mandate to have a “well-regulated Militia.”  This has an added benefit in forming a large “posse” to draw upon in the crisis.  From estimated census, the Chippewa County sheriff could gather up to 8,000 extra men to volunteer. These volunteers can be trained in armed or cyber divisions, for not only defense but also educating the public.  

These volunteers are trained in self defense and appropriate community defense. They are not always authorized for policing action but only when the Sheriff calls them. The will be properly trained to know their boundaries. From this pool, the Sheriff can draw those to be trained in riot control. This team would be like the volunteer fire department only called in an emergency.

The Sheriff could find volunteers in his officers to help train the militia. The overall cost to the Sheriff could be minimal.

Militia helps the Sheriff

Militia carries a respect and noble place among patriots and feared by enemies of the Constitution.  It becomes a rally cry to the people against tyranny.   Men know they are being training for the emergency to protect their home.  They know the government is out of control and are desperately looking for a way to correct it. Many are arming their families. The protection of their home is instinctual for men and this gives them a legitimate expression.  The cyber division could also recruit women for even higher possible numbers of volunteers.  In this way the Militia gives the Sheriff extra legitimacy among the people.  With the people strongly supporting a Sheriff, he is more able to make the Constitutional stand so desperately needed in our state.  The people’s support makes it difficult for government retribution.

The current political environment is ideal to start this program, for the people are in fear of the government due to uncontrolled riots and unconstitutional mandates and intimidation.  Militias are increasing in reaction and people are starting to act on their own.  The Deputized Militia harnesses all these energies together in a cohesive solution.

Sheriff helps the Militia

The deputation gives the Militia legitimacy.  The enemies of the constitution have successfully demonized our primary defense against an over ambitious government.  The Militia is seen as gun wielding hicks ready to shoot anything that moves. The Sheriff gives the Militia instant credibility among the people.  The people trust the Sheriff to train men properly to do their job and to punish those militiamen who break the law.  Imagine the impact of even 500 extra deputies walking the streets of Chippewa County or extra men to ride along with the regular sheriff department officers.  Those same men will also bring home word on how the Sheriff is protecting them. 

This parring of Militia and Sheriff Department is a win-win for both parties and forms a formidable force.  However, it isn’t the complete Militia the founders had in mind. The Sheriff can only work in his county.  If both sheriffs approve, the Militia can be sent to help another county. However, what if the Sheriff is friends with the governor and collude to oppress the people.  For example, Black Lives Mater starts a riot in Madison and the governor doesn’t allow the police to stop them and the Sheriff agrees not to interfere.  Buildings are being burned and people are getting hurt.  The Militia cannot help in this situation.  This is where the Appointed Officers of the Constitution come into the picture.  The Officers are over the Militia at the state level.  They could call the Militia from each county to intervene and stop the riots on his own authority.  This Officer could bring charges against the governor and Sheriff for not protecting the people.

The rolls of the Militia are shared among all the county Sheriffs.  If a Sheriff is elected and disbands his Deputized Militia then another Sheriff may deputize them and keep the unit going.  The Deputization is only in the county of the Sheriff, however, they’ll be available to help on statewide emergencies. If the Sheriff runs this well, no anti-Militia Sheriff will get elected or stay elected long.

With wars being waged as cyber-attacks and information corruption the modern Militia needs a cyber division.  Volunteers can be trained in White Hat Hacking (legal data collection) and information gathering.  This can be a safe place to voice opposition views that the enemies of the Constitution want to suppress.